How I Overcome Self Pity

Hi Queens and a very warm welcome to all of my new visitors. Thank you for stopping by today and supporting QueenSheeMee!

Last week I had a moment of “Self Pity” if I’m going to be transparent.  As some of you may now I unexpectedly lost my job August 2017 and have been working to build “QueenSheeMee” in hopes of not having to return to Corporate America.

If you’re like myself, you set plans & work towards those plans but sometimes that isn’t what God has in the works. I’m still learning Queens as I am on this Earthly Journey. When life seems to become too much we can begin to play the “Whoa is me” game which is definitely not going to help. Or feeling as if a certain theme seems to keep recurring in certain points of your life.




When I begin to feel this way of not being enough or doing enough I first ask God, “Why am I feeling this way”? For he is the only one who can take care of all of our problems. When I talk to God, I talk to him as if he is sitting right in front of me. This helps me to be able to express any worries or self pity I may be experiencing clearer than a silent prayer. The key for me is SPEAKING ALOUD so:


1.) I can hear clearly vs. mentally in what it is that I am asking God for.

2. To imprint positive self talk so that my subconscious will not keep those “low vibe” words or thinking.

3.) I feel a lot better when I speak to God knowing that he is clearly hearing my prayer request.


In this lifetime we will go through the high and the lows but it is up to us to NOT WALLOW in our troubles. Yet to deal with them head on and keep pressing forward working in our Life’s Purpose.

If you have a support system lean on them!! That is what they are there for to be able to lift you up when you may be feeling low. If you don’t have someone to turn to then that is okay! Give your worries to the Lord for he is ALWAYS with us in any and everything that we do.

Queens I pray that you have a blessed week and remember God will never put more on us than we can bear for we are children of the Lord.


See you in my next post Queens and make sure to check QueenSheeMee out over on YouTube!!






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